Introducing the phone user...
Graham Archbold
A complete novice when it comes to technology I really have a lot to learn but anything I do pick up I'm sure to record here.
I previously owned a Sony Ericsson K300 but as I've now learned, their little joysticks have a nasty tendancy to go sticky and stop responding. After that experience I wasn't gong to make the same mistake again - going for a middle of the road phone based on my pay-as-you-go budget. Instead I wanted sleek and sexy with buttons that wouldn't let me down.
Given that Motorola have reinvented the term 'svelte' and applied it to their handsets, something like a V3x appeared to be the natural choice. That wasn't to be however: I laid eyes on the Sharp 770SH in a Vodaphone store. A contest for my heart and my thumbs began.
10 missed
Just want to say how useful and humorous your blog is. Thank you. Excellent pics. All the best with it and I hope more people find your blog (I found it from your gsm arean posting)lol. Cheers and hello to Sunderland. Tanjarine.
You're the man!
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